A top goal for health system single-use device (SUD) reprocessing programs is to increase savings each year. To meet the demand of our nearly 3,000 customers, we’ve pushed ourselves to get creative to offer more differentiated avenues (in addition to 510(k)s) for enhancing the value our SUD reprocessing programs deliver. And it’s paying off. We increased customer savings 57.1% between 2011 and 2017.
To further increase the value we deliver to customers, we debuted three new savings drivers in 2017.
Collections incentives.
We introduced our “Pulse Ox for the Planet” program to incent and reward the clinical champions who increase device collections because collections are critical to growing and sustaining savings year-over-year. For every percentage gain over 10 percent in a participating customer’s pulse oximeter collection, a tree was planted in a national forest, further enhancing the already positive environmental impact of SUD reprocessing. The incentive worked. In its inaugural year, 153 participating customers increased their pulse oximeter collections by an average of 12 percent. Not only were the health systems able to save more money, but with every device they collected they were keeping waste out of landfills, reducing their environmental footprint, to help achieve their sustainability goals.
In addition, we offer an average of eight dedicated resources per account to help health systems reach their unique goals. For example, our Service Associates role was created in 2015, and our nearly 120 Service Associates nationally have helped customers increase total collection rates by 16 percent.
Guaranteed fills.
Customers count on their reprocessing vendor to have items available for purchase when they need them. Because we collect from nearly 3,000 customers, we have one of the largest pools of inventory of any reprocessing company. To ensure even more predictable and sustainable savings, we introduced our “Save Simply” program, a partnership with Royal Philips to allow health systems to purchase new and reprocessed Philips ECG leads for one low price. Philips new ECG leads supplement our available supply of reprocessed leads and guarantee hospitals a 100 percent fill rate. This agreement also simplifies the supply chain because health systems can purchase their new and reprocessed devices through us, utilizing one PO. We continue to evaluate new “Save Simply” collaborations to help customers achieve their financial and environmental goals.
We have also made technological advancements for our non-invasive, surgical and vascular franchises over the last year. These advancements, including improved device identification and reduced cycle time, help improve yields, as well as turnaround times maximizing product availability.
Educational support.
We recently introduced the first “3D Cardiac Mapping Education” program offered by a reprocessing company to teach health systems how to operate their Carto 3 consoles without original equipment manufacturer (OEM) support and give health systems more control over their supply chain decisions. Devices used in the EP lab are among the highest cost, premium devices that can be reprocessed and, therefore, a big contributor to savings. Some health systems’ EP lab savings suffered in recent years from the refusal of OEM specialists to support cases where reprocessed devices are used (not from lack of product availability). Some OEM contracts are designed to limit the purchase of reprocessed SUDs, thereby negatively impacting SUD reprocessing benefits. Health systems that have fallen victim to these types of contracts began asking us for support to gain independence from vendors.
Our dedicated support team also offers in-services and tours of our plant facilities so they can see the science and thoroughness of reprocessing first-hand. Educating staff on the science of reprocessing and the stringent FDA requirements all our devices undergo can help improve staff’s commitment to the program.
Of course, as SUD reprocessing programs grow, customers yield not only greater financial benefit—they lessen their environmental impact, as well. In 2017, we helped customers save $326M in supply costs and diverted 13.4M pounds of waste from landfills. That’s only the tip of the iceberg. Although SUD reprocessing is a 20-year-old industry, it is still ripe for growth. Our innovation will continue as part of our ongoing commitment to customers.
To enroll in one of our new savings drivers, contact your Sustainability Solutions representative.